Data Dictionary

World Pollution Data

Source: Kaggle


Variable Description
entity Country
code Code of country
year Year of measurement
death_rate_air_pollution Death rate from air pollution
death_rate_household_pollution Death rate from household pollution
death_rate_ambient_matter_pollution Death rate from ambient matter pollution
death_rate_ozone_pollution Death rate from ozone pollution

According to Our World in Data, “Death rates are measured as the number of deaths per 100,000 population from both outdoor and indoor air pollution. Rates are age-standardized, meaning they assume a constant age structure of the population to allow for comparisons between countries and over time.”


Variable Description
entity Country
code Code of country
year Year of measurement
unsafe_water_source Total annual number of deaths from unsafe water source
unsafe_sanitation Total annual number of deaths from unsafe sanitation
no_access_to_handwashing_facility Total annual number of deaths from no access to handwashing facility
household_air_pollution_from_solid_fuels Total annual number of deaths from household air pollution from solid fuels
non_exclusive_breastfeeding Total annual number of deaths from non exclusive breastfeeding
discontinued_breastfeeding Total annual number of deaths from discontinued breastfeeding
child_wasting Total annual number of deaths from child wasting
child_stunting Total annual number of deaths from child stunting
low_birth_weight_for_gestation Total annual number of deaths from low birth weight for gestation
secondhand_smoke Total annual number of deaths from secondhand smoke
alcohol_use Total annual number of deaths from alcohol use
diet_low_in_fruits Total annual number of deaths from diet low in fruits
diet_low_in_vegetables Total annual number of deaths from diet low in vegetables
unsafe_sex Total annual number of deaths from unsafe sex
low_physical_activity Total annual number of deaths from low physical activity
high_fasting_plasma_glucose Total annual number of deaths from high fasting plasma glucose
high_total_cholesterol Total annual number of deaths from high total cholesterol
high_systolic_blood_pressure Total annual number of deaths from high systolic blood pressure
smoking Total annual number of deaths from smoking
iron_deficiency Total annual number of deaths from iron deficiency
vitamin_a_deficiency Total annual number of deaths from vitamin a deficiency
low_bone_mineral_density Total annual number of deaths from low bone mineral density
air_pollution Total annual number of deaths from air pollution
outdoor_air_pollution Total annual number of deaths from outdoor air pollution
diet_high_in_sodium Total annual number of deaths from diet high in sodium
diet_low_in_whole_grains Total annual number of deaths from diet low in whole grains
diet_low_in_nuts_and_seeds Total annual number of deaths from diet low in nuts and seeds

World Map Data

Source: Maps Package world_map

Variable Description
long Longitude
lat Latitude
group Group Code
order Order to connect polygons
region Region Name
subregion Subregion Name

Population Data

Source: Our World in Data

Variable Description
entity Entity name
code Code for entity
year Year data was collected
population_historical_estimates Estimated population size in the designated year

RDS Files We Created For Visualizations


Variable Description
long Longitude
lat Latitude
group Group Code
order Order to connect polygons
region Region Name
subregion Subregion Name
year Year
death_rate_air_pollution Death rate for air pollution (age standardized)
death_rate_household_pollution Death rate for household pollution (age standardized)
death_rate_ambient_matter_pollution Death rate for ambient matter pollution (age standardized)
death_rate_ozone_polluton Death rate for ozone polluton (age standardized)
unsafe_water_source_rate Death rate for unsafe water source
unsafe_sanitation_rate Death rate for unsafe sanitation
no_access_to_handwashing_station_rate Death rate for no access to handwashing station
household_air_pollution_from_solid_fules_rate Death rate for household air pollution from solid fuels
non_exclusive_breastfeeding_rate Death rate for non exclusive breastfeeding
discontinued_breastfeeding_rate Death rate for discontinued breastfeeding
child_wasting_rate Death rate for child wasting
child_stunting_rate Death rate for child stunting
low_birth_rate_for_gestation_rate Death rate for low birth rate for gestation
secondhand_smoke_rate Death rate for second hand smoke
alcohol_use_rate Death rate for alcoholuse
drug_use_rate Death rate for drug use
diet_low_in_fruits_rate Death rate for diet low in fruits
diet_low_in_vegtables_rate Death rate for diet low in vegtables
unsafe_sex_rate Death rate for unsafe sex
low_physical_activity_rate Death rate for low physical activity
high_fasting_plasma_glucose_rate Death rate for high fasting plasma glucose
high_total_cholesterol_rate Death rate for high total cholesterol
high_body_mass_index_rate Death rate for high body mass index
high_systolic_blood_pressure_rate Death rate for high systolic blood pressure
smoking_rate Death rate for smoking
iron_deficiency_rate Death rate for iron deficiency
vitamin_a_deficiency_rate Death rate for vitamin a deficiency
low_bone_mineral_density_rate Death rate for low bone mineral density
air_pollution_rate Death rate for air pollution
outdoor_air_pollution_rate Death rate for outdoor air pollution
diet_high_in_sodium_rate Death rate for diet high in sodium
diet_low_in_whole_grains_rate Death rate for diet low in whole grains
diet_low_in_nuts_and_seeds_rate Death rate for diet low in nuts and seeds


Variable Description
entity Region name
year Year data was collected
air_pollution Number of deaths attributed to air pollution
outdoor_air_pollution Number of deaths attributed to outdoor air pollution


Variable Description
entity Region name
year Year data was collected
secondhand_smoke Number of deaths attributed to secondhand smoke
alcohol_use Number of deaths attributed to alcohol use
drug_use Number of deaths attributed to drug use
smoking Number of deaths attributed to smoking


Variable Description
entity Region name
year Year data was collected
unsafe_water_source Number of deaths attributed to unsafe water source
unsafe_sanitation Number of deaths attributed to unsafe sanitation
no_access_to_handwashing_facility Number of deaths attributed to no access to handwashing facility